Cracking Down On Negative Comments From Anonymous YouTube Channels

Effectively Immediately:

YouTube channels that have ZERO content and no profile pics of your face will not have strong opposing opinions on my channel. After realizing that most of those channels are older men 25+, the lack of human representation and accountability when socializing online automatically disqualifies your opinion. I don’t care if you support my channel or not.

Quality Humans over Quantity Humans.

Why am I doing this? Accountability.

I look forward to helping creatives online; but the problem with online and me using YouTube as the platform where I connect with people from all over the world is, for some reason, people choose to hide their identity.

This is fine but, if you are looking for help, seeking information to learn, you use YouTube as a place to draw education, insight, help, a network or a place where you engage with me in the comment section of my content, I demand to know who I am talking to.

Why do I care? Because every interaction online between two humans should be intentional.

I will influence change in the current culture of the online music community, which means I will help a lot of people.


What I Learned From YouTube & What’s Next… Honestly.


What I Look Forward to Adding to the Online Music Community